How to Check if Your Facebook Friend Request Was Declined ?

👤 Diwas Poudel    🕒 19 Aug 2023    📁 TECH

When you send a friend request to someone then he or she will have 3 options.

  1. Confirm the request by clicking on Confirm button
  2. Delete the request by clicking on the Delete button.
  3. Just Ignore and do not perform any action.

If they have just deleted the friend request then you will not be able to send a friend request to him or her again. ie. Add Friend button will be disappeared.

And you will have two options either: Message or MORE when you goto their facebook profile.

 You will not get options like the cancel request option as shown here.

message and more option only available if someone declined friend request
fig. message and more options only available if someone declined a friend request


Why Delete Friend Requests on Facebook?

It is difficult to answer this question because it differs from person to person.

Let's look at some scenarios where the Facebook user does this :
1. They may not know you well enough and do not want to be friends with everyone who sends friend requests.
2. They are too concerned about privacy concerns.
3. Person sending you a friend request is inactive for a long period of time.
4. Geographical or Community Differences
5. Professional Reasons if some professional sends you a request then you may not accept it because for a professional platform like LinkedIn 
is the place.