Importance of Technology in Todays Competitive World

👤 Diwas Poudel    🕒 12 Sep 2023    📁 TECH

Most of us have grown up being taught the importance of technology. But why is technology important? In this article, we will discuss the importance of technology and tools. In short, Technology is an integral part of our day-to-day life and it is absolutely essential. Today most of the country has developed vastly due to the efficient use of technology. So, Technology is one of the most powerful tools.

What is Technology?

The first thing that hits our minds when we think about technology is it is related to practical science used for solving the problem. But technology has a different meaning from a different perspective. And doesn't have a clear shot definition.

Basically, Technology is the summation of scientific knowledge, skills, experience, methods, tools, and techniques used in the production of goods and services, the creation of new things, and the achieving some specific objectives, goals, and desires, transforming individual life, society, nation, and the whole universe. So, in every instant, we are surrounded by technology and we are using it to solve various problems. It is used all the time and everywhere.

Technology has evolved slowly from the Stone Age to around 100 years ago and now it has improved and updated on a very vast and wide scale in a small span of time. AI is one of the transforming technologies that can change the world.

Technology has affected almost all sectors. It has helped develop a more advanced economy, advanced education, communication, etc. It has changed our lives as a whole and is very important for all of us.

Now, let's look at the importance of technology in various fields.

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1 Importance of Technology in Education

The successful use of technology in education has changed the process of learning. Using technology we can get an education in a very short time and inefficient way. Technology provides immediate access to the quality of information and helps to learn quickly. Following are the points of importance of technology in education:

  i) Technology simplifies access to the source of education.

Around 10 - 15 years ago, we used to have only books as a source of education. And sometimes it was difficult to understand the topic so in such a case we used to take advice from teachers and giving each and every detail to the topic was difficult for teachers. So that time we are forced to mockup those. But now due to the evolution of technology, we have the internet everywhere and we can search for any topic and understand the gist of the topic very easily. So, we can say education simplifies access to the source of education.

This method of teaching is also beneficial for the instructors/teachers since it gives them the opportunity to work with students who might be struggling individually.

ii)Learning becomes interesting with technology

Learning becomes interesting with technology because we can get information from internet technology in various forms like audio, video, and infographics which make learning interesting as those forms are eye-catching and easy to understand.

iii)Technology helps students to explore their interested fields.

If we are interested in some field then we can get a vast source of information using technology like the internet and we can get in-depth knowledge of every field and can become a masters in that field at even in young age.

You can join your interested communities online and explore your knowledge by giving and sharing your knowledge and getting good advice from an expert.

iv)Technology enhances creativity learning capabilities and up-to-date information.

Students can work and collaborate with people in other locations. In this way, they can enhance their creativity by sharing their feeling and knowledge on an interesting field. So, students can be up to date with the information. Distance learners can join online communities.

So, in this way, the importance of technology in the education sector is used

Some types of Technology Used in Classrooms

These are three types of technology properly used in classrooms.

a)Interactive Whiteboard.

b)Projector Based Learning

c) Game-based Learning

During these COVID-19 periods, these types of technology are effectively used.

2 Importance of Technology in Business

In this competitive world, every business has to use technology to enhance their work increase production achieve goals more efficiently, reduce costs, reduce human error, track the business needs, etc. Also, every business is using technology in some way.

In business, technology helps in

i) Improving Communication and Collaboration with Teams

In today's world, the staff of the organization may be located in various geographical areas. Communication between staff is necessary. So, they can utilize various web/desktop/mobile platforms for sharing audio, video, and text information in no time. They can update their work to the boss. So, it saves time, space, and money.

ii)Increase Automation and Productivity

iii) Information Protection

Due to the advancement of technology, nowadays many business transactions are carried out online, and with the technology, they can track their business. For example, a business can track how much sales is done daily basis, how much members collaborate for making the product, how much stock of the product is remaining, which products are trending in the market, etc.

Instead of paperwork, today even small business organizations are using advanced software for managing accounting and financial tasks.

iv) Meeting Customer Needs and Enhancing Relationship

Technology has completely changed the face of business. Today's big advantage of technology is that organizations can learn more about their product consumer. They will learn more now than ever, and this helps marketing departments to concentrate on targeted audiences. Facebook ads marketing campaigns, and email marketing campaigns are some tools used for knowing about their customer.

v) Tracking Changes in Business and Optimize Management

vi) Getting Customer feedback and tracking them

vii) Doing Business Online

viii) Improved Security

ix) Business Globalize

With the help of technology, any business can globalize their product. For example, Amazon and Alibaba products are globalized throughout the world. If you want to buy their product, for this you just have to open their app and order the product and will get the product as soon as possible. Sometimes customers may not get their needed product in their market area, or within the country. So, they can order their product online and get the product.

x) Better Decision Making

Technology plays an important role in the decision-making of a business. Different time and activity tracking solutions can be used to collect organizational data. Also through customer feedback companies are able to make the decision making.

Different analysis like fund channel analysis, productivity analysis, supply chain analysis, and performance analysis is done in business which helps the organization make a better decision.

Today, Amazon and Facebook also use AI tools for their decision-making processes.

3 Importance of technology in healthcare

Technology plays a crucial role in improving the health sector.

i)Lower Healthcare Costs

The use of technology in the health industry is rapidly increasing. Patients nowadays do not have to spend money on unnecessary visits to the doctor's office, nowadays their health can be monitored at home. The technology that patients use for monitoring is called wearable technology. Today people can get their health reports and health tests by simply using simple mobile apps. They don't have to go to the hospital to get this information. 

ii)Ease of WorkFlow

Paper-based work for recording patients' data is time-consuming and unable to track the patients. Using a computerized system helps to track patients in and out of history, and also reduces the risk of errors. Also, patients can see his/her medical data from home. One cloud-based system is called eMix (Electronic Medical Information Exchange). It offers access to various medical reports and lab tests from anywhere by both patients and healthcare helpers.

iii) Can learn general medical information

There are various health-related official sites and application which provides information about various medical topics. So general people can learn those tips and can improve their lives.

iv) Fast Analysis and treatment of health-related problem

With the help of technology, patients can be tracked using various devices and sensors attached to their bodies. Devices can detect anomaly behavior of patients and rapidly update that information over the internet to the server. Devices can send patients weights and calorie records, blood glucose levels, total sleep hour information, etc. And those many devices can provide training and guides to the patient to follow precautions.

These types of data are collected from many patients Also data are collected from EHR and other platforms and finally a large amount of useful information from those data helps to produce reports and analytics.

Also, there are many applications like appointment notices, prescription reminders, and medical support.

vi) Revolutionizing Drug Discovery

Nowadays many companies like Turbine, and Deep Genomics have started utilizing AI and Machine Learning technology for revolutionizing the drug development process.

With the help of Virtual Reality like VR surgeons will no doubt be future surgeons. With the help of  AI , Google has developed a system for the Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy, for breast cancer analysis

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4Importance of technology in the entrepreneur

Technology helps entrepreneurs to reach a wider audience, automate tasks, gather data about their customers and their business, create new products and services that meet the needs of their customers, and reduce the cost of their business.

5Importance of technology in our life

Technology helps our lives to communicate with each other more efficiently than ever before, it helps us learn at our own pace and from anywhere in the world, to diagnose and treat disease more effectively, and it helps transportation more affordable and accessible by using technology like ride-sharing apps etc.

6Importance of technology in society and nation

Technology helps to increase productivity in our work by automating tasks, and accessing information more quickly which ultimately leads to society and notion development. Increase proper collaboration by breaking down barriers in communication and creating a more connected world, improve healthcare and education of society and nation, technology promote sustainable development by reducing reliance on fossil fuels, improving energy efficiency, and protecting the environment.

7) Importance of technology in agriculture

8) Importance of technology in communication