How to Fix Discord Error: 'Installation Has Failed'
As we know, we can easily configure Windows Firewall using GUI-based configuration, but if you are an IT professional, you might want to know how to perform the same task using the command line. If that's the case, you are in the right place.
Why to use Command line for Configuration of Firewall ?
You can create scripts to apply multiple rules at once, which can be useful for deploying the same settings across many machines and servers. Additionally, this command line can be integrated into automated workflows, making management tasks easier.
Here, we will use the popular netsh command to perform this task. Now, let’s see how to do it:
Open Command Prompt as administrator and then in command line type below command:
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=<rule_name> protocol=<TCP/UDP> dir=<in/out> localport=<port> action=<allow/block>
Lets look this in syntax in summary.
Here is the sample example:
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Allow HTTP 8080" protocol=TCP dir=in localport=8080 action=allow
This rules allow incoming TCP traffic on port 8080 and name of the rule is "Allow HTTP 8080".
You can see this in action:
Fig. You can see that I have run the above command in action.
After running the above command, you can check the firewall in the UI and find that these rules have been successfully added.
fig. Rules added successfully
If you want to block the traffic then set action = block as shown below
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Allow HTTP 8080" protocol=TCP dir=in localport=8080 action=block
You have to open command prompt as administrator then you have to perform following command
netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name=<rule_name>
Replace rule_name with actual rule name in previous case it is "Allow HTTP 8080"
So if you want to delete the rules you have created above then apply following command:
netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="Allow HTTP"