Google Calendar event images List | Google Calendar Flairs

👤 Diwas Poudel    🕒 03 Oct 2022    📁 TECH

Google Calendar is a powerful free Google service that allows you to manage your time, schedule and organizes your daily tasks, create appointments, and share your calendars with others. It is beneficial to individuals who need to organize and streamline their busy schedules.

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You may have noticed that when some of your friends share a Google Calendar event with you, the event contains images. When someone only sees those images, he or she will understand what is going on and if you try to create an event on your own, you may not receive event images. So, what's going on here?

Actually, what is happening is that Google Calendar has certain key names (such as Football, New Year, drinks, Launch), and when you create events with those names, those images are automatically created.

Note: These are not images that you have attached to the event as an attachment.

Actually technically Google Calendar called those background images Flairs. It's worth noting that any icons you add to an event will be visible to people who check your calendar as well as those who have been invited to the event.

How to Add Google Calendar Event Flair Images?

You may simply add event images to your Google Calendar, but in order to do so, you will need to utilize an unique phrase.Steps to add Google Calendar Event Images are as follows:

1 Launch Google Calendar.

2 Click the event date to which you want to add an image.

3 Then, the model pops up at the side. Just enter the event keys provided below in the Add title and time placeholder. Here, I am giving the name of the Event as "Wedding".

Google Event Flair
fig. Google Calendar Event Flair


4 If desired, add a description, location, time, and attachment, and then click on the Save button.

5 Now click on the same event, then you will see Event images there as shown below.

Wedding Google Event
fig. Google Event Flair Event "Wedding"

Google Event Name for Google Calendars

Let's look at Google Provided Flairs for Google Calendars.


  • You can use the search field to find your flairs and copy the name and use them in the Google Calendar Event
Google Calendar Keyword and Flairs
painting, art workshop, sketching workshop, drawing workshop
 bbq, barbecue, barbeque,equestrain, Equestrain, Dressage, Eventing , Horse riding , handball,Horseriding, rhythmicgymnastics
book club, reading
beer,beer,beers,Oktoberfest,October Fest,Octoberfest
breakfasts dinners lunches brunches restaurants
concertconcertgig concertsgigs
clean,clean the house,clean the apartment,clean house,tidy up,vacuum clean,vacuum cleaning
oilchange, oil change, car service
chinese new year, chinese new years, chinese new year's

carmaintenance,car repair,auto repair,car maintenance,auto maintenance,car mechanic,auto mechanic,tire replacement,tire change

cleaning, clean the house, clean the apartment, clean house, tidy up, vacuum clean, vacuum cleaning

cricket,cricket game,cricket match,cricket competition, Aikido taekwondo, judo, karate, cyclingbmx, BMX, archery, jiu-jitsu, jiu jitsu, rugbysevens, camping, billiard, triathlon, golf, hiking,tennis, rhythmicgymnastics, Field hockey, violin, violins

cinema ,movie,movies, theatreopera


dinner, dinners, restaurant, restaurants, Family meal


gym,gym,workout,workouts,fitness program,fitness class,fitness test,fitness evaluation,fitness center,fitness training,weightlifting,weight lifting,crossfit


dyke march, christopher street day, gay parade, gay pride, gayglers, gaygler, lesbian march, lesbian parade, lesbian pride, euro pride, europride, world pride, worldpride


halloween, helloween, hallowe'en, Allhalloween, All Hallows' Eve, All Saints' Eve

hiking,hikinghike . hikesen

kayaking, kayaking, canoeing , Canoe

learnlanguage,French Course,German Course,English Course,Italian Course ,Chinese Course,Japense Course,Korean Course,Polish Course,Spanish Course,Arabic Course,Hebrew Course,Portuguese Course,Thai Course,Russian Course,Turkish Course,Dutch Course,Bulgarian Course,Greek Course,Hindi Course
Indonesian Course,Vietnamese Course,Norwegian Course,Swedish Course,Slovenian Course,Ukranian Course,Slovak Course,Lithuanian Course
Latvian Course,Hungarian Course,Finnish Course,Filipino Course,Farsi Course
Danish Course,Czech Course,Croatian Course
Catalan Course,French Class,German Class,English Class,Italian Class,Chinese Class,Japanese Class,Korean Class,Polish Class,Spanish Class,Arabic Class,Hebrew Class,Portuguese Class,Thai Class,Russian Class,Turkish Class
Dutch Class,Bulgarian Class,Greek Class,Hindi Class,Indonesian Class
Vietnamese Class,Norwegian Class,Swedish Class,Slovenian Class,Ukranian Class
Slovak Class,Lithuanian Class,Latvian Class,Hungarian Class,Finnish Class
Filipino Class,Farsi Class,Danish Class,Czech Class,Croatian Class,Catalan Class
Practice French,Practice German,Practice English,Practice Italian,Practice Chinese
Practice Japanese,Practice Korean,Practice Polish,Practice Spanish
Practice Arabic,Practice Hebrew,Practice Portuguese,Practice Thai
Practice Russian,Practice Turkish,Practice Dutch,Practice Bulgarian
Practice Greek,Practice Hindi,Practice Indonesian,Practice Vietnamese
Practice Norwegian,Practice Swedish,Practice Slovenian,Practice Ukranian
Practice Slovak,Practice Lithuanian,Practice Latvian,Practice Hungarian
Practice Finnish,Practice Filipino,Practice Farsi,Practice Danish,Practice Czech
Practice Croatian,Practice Catalan

manicure, pedicure, manicures, pedicures

skiing, ski, skis, Snowboarding, snowshoeing, snow shoe, snow boarding
shooting,shooting sport,shooting sports,shooting competition,competitive shooting

saintpatricksday , St Patricks

nowruz , Nowruz

wedding, wedding eve, wedding-eve party, weddings
dog sitting, dog walker, dog walking, dogsitting, take dog out, take out dog, walk dog, walk the dog
Valentine's Day, valentinesday, datenight
xmasmeal,christmas dinner,christmas lunch,christmas brunch,christmas luncheon,xmas dinner,xmas lunch,xmas brunch,xmas luncheon,x-mas dinner,x-mas lunch,x-mas brunch,
x-mas luncheon,christmas eve dinner,christmas eve lunch,christmas eve brunch,christmas eve luncheon,xmas eve dinner,xmas eve lunch,xmas eve brunch,xmas eve luncheon,x-mas eve dinner,
x-mas eve lunch,x-mas eve brunch,x-mas eve luncheon


Can we create our own background illustration images?

Ans: Currently you cannot create your own illustration yourself.