What is Community Edition, Professional Edition and Enterprise Edition in Visual Studio

👤 Diwas Poudel    🕒 20 Aug 2023    📁 TECH

The main purpose of having different editions in Visual Studio is to meet the needs of developers.

Microsoft offers a range of pricing options to accommodate different budgets and generate revenue from selling Visual Studio to both Enterprise clients and individuals.

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Community Edition

The community edition of visual studio is available free of charge for open-source projects individuals and student use

It is an ideal choice for students and small-scale development projects.

It is available for Windows Mac OS and Linux.

Visual Studio Community Edition is fully featured Edition and has the following features in general

  1. It supports all the major programming languages like C plus C-sharp F-sharp Java python JavaScript etc
  2. It is IDE for building any application from the web to mobile to desktop
  3. It has built-in tools for debugging testing and profiling
  4. It provides support for Version Control like git and Mercurial
  5. For CCD it provides an integration facility with azure devops

Professional Edition 

The professional edition of Visual Studio is not available for free and has a cost per year.You need to purchase Visual Studio Professional Subscription.

It is compatible with both Windows and macOS OS.

This edition is designed to meet the needs of professional developers and is well-suited for small to medium-sized teams.

Some of the features that the Professional Edition has that the community edition does not have are:

1. Support for Azure 
2. Support for TFS (Team Foundation Server)
3. Premium Support 
4. Training Resources.

Enterprise Edition

Enterprise Edition also costs per year which is way more expensive than the professional edition.

It is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

It is suitable for organizations that require extensive tools and scalability. It is suitable for any size with demanding quality and scale needs.

Features that Enterprise Edition only has are:

  1. Enterprise Test Manager: It is a management tool available in Visual Studio. It provides a way to plan, execute and track tests for software applications. It is used in automation tests, managing test cases, and tracking test results.
  2. Xamarin Test Cloud: It allows the developer to test their Xamarin application on real devices.
  3. Microsoft Fakes for Mocking
  4. Static code analysis: It scans the source code and is used to find a wide range of issues like undefined variables, unreachable code, and security vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, and CSS attacks.
  5. Code coverage features help to measure how much of your code is being exercised by your test.
  6. Parallel Testing allows you to run multiple tests at the same time.
  7. Performance and Diagnostics Hub   
  8. IntelliTrace: It is a debugging tool that helps the developer to understand the execution of code.
  9. Code Clone Detection: It helps to find duplicate code in your codebase.
  10. Application Insights: It helps to measure the performance and health of the application.
  11. Enterprise Integration    

Professional vs Enterprise Edition

Feature Professional Enterprise
Code editing Yes Yes
Debugging Yes Yes
Unit testing Yes Yes
CodeLens Yes Yes
Live Unit Testing Yes Yes
Xamarin Test Cloud No Yes
Enterprise Test Manager No Yes
Static Code Analysis No Yes
Application Insights No Yes
Code Clone Detection No Yes
Code Map No Yes
IntelliTrace No Yes
Performance and Diagnostics Hub No Yes


In this article, we describe to you when we use enterprise, professional, and community editions, their features, etc.