How to Fix Discord Error: 'Installation Has Failed'
RAM is an important component of your computer It is typically found between your CPU and hard disk.RAM temporarily stores data required by the processor to process the running application, as well as BIOS settings to keep hardware settings up to date. It plays a critical role in determining the PC's performance.
RAM performance is generally determined by two factors. 1) Frequency and 2) Latency.RAM with a high frequency and low latency rate is considered to be good RAM.
Also, these two factors are not enough if you want to go to the market for buying new RAM.
Assume you have one RAM of 4GB operating at 1333MHz and you go to the market and buy a RAM of 2GB operating at 2400MHz, your motherboard will work fine but both RAM will not work to their full potential. Though your total RAM capacity increased to 6GB, both RAMs begin to operate at 1333MHz, implying that the motherboard will change all speeds to match the lowest one which we called as Down-Clocking. This is not done by OS but BIOS on the motherboard is automatically designed to do it.
If the frequencies of two installed RAMs differ significantly, you will not reap the benefits of High-Frequency RAM in terms of performance. But may create instability in your system, or there is a higher risk of incompatibilities between RAMs chips.
Furthermore, companies and laptop/computer sellers do not guarantee the operational effectiveness of those two different RAM frequencies. It is entirely dependent on your system.
If you use two RAM of different frequencies then you may face the following issues:
1 Your Computer may not boot because there may be a case like a motherboard does not support a frequency set in your RAM.
2 Your computer will fail to pass the Self POST test and then restart again and again.
3 Even if your system passes the POST test, then also in the processing of using you may get a message saying memory configuration has downclocked to lower frequency and higher latency.
4 Also you may experience worsen than before inserting RAM.
1 It is always recommended to have RAM of the SAME model, same size, same manufacturer, same frequencies, and similar latency value. If You can have RAM from a different manufacturer always try to choose RAM of nearly the same as your already existing RAM.
2 You must have the same generation of RAM. If you have DDR4 RAM then you can get another DDR4 RAM from the market with nearly or equal frequencies.
So, you have to be crystal clear before you go to the market for buying RAM. Anyhow try to buy RAMs of similar or same frequencies.
Lets look some of the benefits of having higher frequencies RAM modules:
Ans: You will notice a frequency drop if you have one 4 GB RAM operating at 1333GHZ and another 4 GB RAM operating at 2400GHZ. That is, you will have 8 GB of RAM and both processors will run at 1333 GHz.You may encounter a situation in which you receive frequencies less than 1333GHz.
It is very good if you have RAMs with identical frequencies, timing, and voltage, but if you have two RAMs with minor differences in frequencies, say of around 100 MHZ, you will not notice much difference even if your system down-clocked to low frequency RAM.
Ans: If someone says to you, "I have 8 GB DDR4 - 2400 RAM," they are implying that they have 8 GB of DDR4 generation RAM operating at a frequency of 2400 MHz.
If you're getting two or more RAM sticks, they should ideally be the same MHz size.
You can mix RAM modules with various frequencies and the same memory, but it's not recommended.
Mixing different brands and speeds of memory can cause instability; the safest option is to get RAM with similar frequencies. It will be considered a waste of money if you purchase additional RAM with higher frequencies than the existing RAM.